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How to Change Blogger into a Professional Website.

In this post, we will show you how to make a blogger into a professional website. 

We know there are a few subjects on blogger, yet they are exceptionally futile which we can't use for our site, so today I presented to you some free and premium subjects. 

You can likewise download it free of charge and you can change your site over to a Professional site on Blogger, so on the off chance that you are first on our site, 

At that point on the off chance that you need to figure out how to make a WordPress site, Blog site free of charge. 

You can likewise make your own site free of charge, so we talk about how we can download the blogger's top-notch topic for nothing? How might we change over our blog into a Professional site by bringing it to Blogger?

We can utilize it solely after buying them, be that as it may, how might we use them free of charge and will give you beneath in the connections of these. You can download from that point Steps to Convert Blogger Into Professional Website


  • Open Blogger
  • Import Demo Data
  • Import Theme Template
  • Converted Blogger into Website
  • Theme Imported Successfully
  • Custom Domain on Blogger

Presently as a matter of first importance, we go to blogger.com, and here we need to sign in with our Gmail account, if you don't have a Gmail account, you can join. 

On the upper left side, you will get the choice to make another blog, you Click here, enter the title and the URL address of your Blogspot here. 

Make your own blog, after going to settings, we will get the choice of import content on the administration block, click on it, I need to tap on I am not a robot, we will give you the connection of a demo information document beneath, download it and import it here. 

It will make all that like posts, pages, classifications, marks, and more on a demo post on your blogger. 

Go to the topic and you will get Down Arrow with customization, you need to choose and tap on Restore, we need to transfer the subject that we need to put on our site on Blogger, at that point I have every one of the connections to download for it. You are given underneath 

You can look at it there and remove the download of this subject and import the topic you like. 

Keep in mind, you just need to import the XML record, at that point you will think about it in the document type. This is your XML record. 

I have imported that XML record at this very moment assuming I revive my blogger, here 

Be that as it may, you can see an exceptional subject has been dispatched and introduced on my blogger.

This is a paid subject and if you need to set it up on your blogger, you will discover the connection beneath. I have disclosed to you how to change over blogger into a pro site, trust you loved the article. 

At that point, you will like this article rapidly, remark, buy into our site, need to make a WordPress site

We have likewise dispatched recordings to make Android application, so you should observe 

those recordings and you can bring in a great deal of cash by making these things.

how to change blogger in to professional website

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